Harm Reduction Peer Support
"If you have come here to help me, you are wasting your time, but if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together."
-Lilla Watson
Yarrow Collective offers liberatory harm reduction peer support groups. These groups are for people who use drugs and need support but may not be seeking recovery or abstinence.

Many of us have experienced the continued discrimination, judgment, and other harmful stigma that is associated with drugs. We acknowledge that the war on drugs is in fact a war on people and that this war is alive and well. In an effort to combat this war we need to come together to support one another. This is a space where we can speak openly about our unique experiences without judgment, and where we ask for consent before offering advice or solutions. It's a non-clinical space where facilitators have lived experience with drug use. We are not here to save or change you but rather to acknowledge, support and accept each other as we are. We hope that group participants gain the knowledge and resources to Risk Less and Live More! Free drop in space, acudetox provided, and snacks!
Risk Less, Live More
Liberatory Harm Reduction Group
Wednesdays, 10-11am
Murphy Center
242 Conifer Street, Fort Collins
Free to attend.
Snacks provided.
Spanish language translation available upon request.
Traducción en Español a peticion.
Questions? Contact: Lucrecia.Medrano@yarrowcollective

Join us in “Saving Ourselves”. Saving Ourselves is a liberatory harm reduction group aimed to shift the paradigm of harm reduction from a public health view or approach. This is a space for People of Color to gather and speak about our unique shared experience without judgment. Many of us have experienced the discrimination, judgment, and other harmful stigmas that are associated with being a Person of Color in a white dominant society. We are here to acknowledge, support, and accept each other as we are , while sharing knowledge and resources to lift each other up, all while keeping each other safe. We know that we can not rely on society to save us, so we hope that together we can gain the knowledge and resources to Save Ourselves!
With love to Shira Hassan, author of Saving Our Own Lives, whose book was such an inspiration in dreaming up this group.
Free, drop-in space, Acudetox provided, and snacks.
Saving Ourselves
Liberatory Harm Reduction Group for BIPOC
Wednesdays, 5:30-7pm
140 W Oak St, Fort Collins CO 80524
Spanish language translation available upon request.
Traducción en Español a peticion.
Questions? Email: Lucrecia.Medrano@yarrowcollective.org.